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A 73-year-old Hispanic client is seen at the community health clinic with a history of
protein malnutrition. What information should the nurse obtain first?
A. Amount of liquid protein supplements consumed daily.
B. Foods and liquids consumed during the past 24 hours.
C. Usual weekly intake of milk products and red meats.
D. Grains and legume combinations used by the client. - ANSWER-B
An older client who is a resident in a long term care facility has been bedridden for a
week. Which finding should the nurse identify as a client risk factor for pressure ulcers?
A. Generalized dry skin.
B. Localized dry skin on lower extremities.
C. Red flush over entire skin surface.
D. Rashes in the axillary, groin, and skin fold regions. - ANSWER-D
A 6-year-old squirms and giggles when the nurse begins to palpate the abdomen. What
action should the nurse implement?
A. Postpone the abdominal palpation until the next examination.
B. Place the child's hand under the examiner's hand while palpating.
C. Touch the abdomen firmly as the child takes short, quick breaths.
D. Press the abdomen with the child bearing down and holding the breath. - ANSWERB
An older client with a d ecreased percentage of lean body mass is likely to receive a
prescription that is adjusted based on which pharmacokinetic process?
A. Absorption.
B. Metabolism.
C. Elimination.
D. Distribution - ANSWER-D
A 4-year-old boy who is scheduled for a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy asks the
nurse, "Will it hurt to have my tonsils and adenoids taken out?" Which response is best
for the nurse to provide?
A. "It may hurt a little because of the incision made in your throat."
B. "It won't hurt because you're such a big boy."
C. "It won't hurt because we put you to sleep."
D. "It may hurt but we'll give you medicine to help you feel better." - ANSWER-D
The nurse is assessing a client who is bedfast and refuses to turn or move from a
supine position. How should the nurse assess the client for possible dependent edema?
A. Compress the flank and upper buttocks.
B. Measure the client's abdominal girth.
C. Gently palpate the lower abdomen.
D. Apply light pressure over the shins. - ANSWER-A
A client with chronic gouty arthritis takes allopurinol (Zyloprim) and experiences an
acute attack of gouty arthritis. The healthcare provider prescribes concurrent low-dose
colchicine. What information should the nurse provide the client that best explains the
action of the colchicine?
A. Acts like aspirin to relieve pain.
B. Facilitates the excretion of uric acid.
C. Reduces inflammation at the affected site.
D. Prevents formation of uric acid crystals. - ANSWER-C
A 58-year-old client who has been post-menopausal for five years is concerned about
the risk for osteoporosis because her mother has the condition. Which information
should the nurse offer?
A. Osteoporosis is a progressive genetic disease with no effective treatment.
B. Calcium loss from bones can be slowed by increasing calcium intake and exercise.
C. Estrogen replacement therapy should be started to prevent the progression
D. Low-dose corticosteroid treatment effectively halts the course of osteoporosis. -
What activity should the nurse use in the evaluation phase of the nursing process?
A. Ask a client to evaluate the nursing care provided.
B. Document the nursing care plan in the progress notes.
C. Determine whether a client's health problems have been alleviated.
D. Examine the effectiveness of nursing interventions toward meeting client outcomes. -
An adult client is given a prescription for a scopolamine patch (Transderm Scop) to
prevent motion sickness while on a cruise. Which information should the nurse provide
to the client?
A. Apply the patch at least 4 hours prior to departure.
B. Change the patch every other day while on the cruise.
C. Place the patch on a hairless area at the base of the skull.
D. Drink no more than 2 alcoholic drinks during the cruise. - ANSWER-A
What instruction should the nurse include in the discharge teaching for a client who
needs to perform self-catheterization technique at home?
A. Catheterize every 3 to 4 hours.
B. Maintain sterile technique.
C. Use the Cred maneuver before catheterization.
D. Drink 500 ml of fluid within 2 hours of catheterization. - ANSWER-A
A client is admitted with a stage four pressure ulcer that has a black, hardened surface
and a light-pink wound bed with a malodorous green drainage. Which dressing is best
for the nurse to use first?
A. Hydrogel.
B. Exudate absorber.
C. Wet to moist dressing.
D. Transparent adhesive film. - ANSWER-C
In assessing a client's femoral pulse, the nurse must use deep palpation to feel the
pulsation while the client is in a supine position. What action should the nurse
A. Elevate the head of the bed and attempt to palpate the site again.
B. Document the presence and volume of the pulse palpated.
C. Use a thigh cuff to measure the blood pressure in the leg.
D. Record the presence of pitting edema in the inguinal area. - ANSWER-A
The nurse assesses an immobile, elderly male client and determines that his blood
pressure is 138/60, his temperature is 95.8 F, and his output is 100 ml of concentrated
urine during the last hour. He has wet-sounding lung sounds, and increased respiratory
secretions. Based on these assessment findings, what nursing action is most important
for the nurse to implement?
A. Administer a PRN antihypertensive prescription.
B. Provide the client with an additional blanket.
C. Encourage additional fluid intake.
D. Turn the client q2h. - ANSWER-D
A client who is receiving the sixth unit of packed red blood cell transfusion is
demonstrating signs and symptoms of a febrile, nonhemolytic reaction. What
assessment finding is most important for the nurse to identify?
A. Increased anxiety since the transfusion began.
B. Drowsiness after receiving diphenhydramine (Benadryl).
C. Complaints of feeling cold.
D. Flushed skin and headache. - ANSWER-D
While preparing to insert a rectal suppository in a male adult client, the nurse observes
that the client is holding his breath while bearing down. What action should the nurse
A. Advise the client to continue to bear down without holding his breath.
B. Gently insert the lubricated suppository four inches into the rectum.
C. Perform a digital exam to determine if a fecal impaction is present.
D. Instruct the client to take slow deep breaths and stop bearing down. - ANSWER-D
The nurse is teaching a client proper use of an inhaler. When should the client
administer the inhaler-delivered medication to demonstrate correct use of the inhaler?
A. Immediately after exhalation.
B. During the inhalation.
C. At the end of three inhalations.
D. Immediately after inhalation. - ANSWER-B
Miotic drug therapy for the treatment of glaucoma is based chiefly upon which
physiologic action?
A. Enhancing aqueous humor outflow.
B. Inhibiting aqueous humor production.
C. Maintaining intraocular pressure.
D. Preventing extraocular infection - ANSWER-A
The nurse assesses a long-term resident of a nursing home and finds the client has a
fungal infection (candidiasis) beneath both breasts. To prevent nosocomial infection,
which protocol should the nurse review with the rest of the staff?
A. Follow contact isolation procedures.
B. Wash hands after caring for the client.
C. Wear gloves when providing personal care.
D. Restrict pregnant staff or visitors into the room. - ANSWER-B
A client with acute appendicitis is experiencing anxiety and loss of sleep about missing
final examination week at college. Which outcome is most important for the nurse to
include in the plan of care?
A. Sleeping six to eight hours.
B. Achieve a sense of control.
C. Utilize problem solving skills.
D. Increased focus of attention. - ANSWER-B
A male client with obesity discusses with the nurse his plans to begin a long-term weight
loss regimen. In addition to dietary changes, he plans to begin an intensive aerobic
exercise program 3 to 4 times a week and to take stress management classes. After
praising the client for his decision, which instruction is most important for the nurse to
A. "Be sure to have a complete physical examination before beginning your planned
exercise program."
B. "Be careful that the exercise program doesn't simply add to your stress level, making
you want to eat more."
C. "Increased exercise helps to reduce stress, so you may not need to spend money on
a stress management class."
D. "Make sure to monitor your weight loss regularly to provide a sense of
accomplishment and motivation." - ANSWER-A
The low-birth-weight (LBW) infant requires a neutral thermal environment. What action
should the nurse implement?
A. Use wool blankets for covers.
B. Avoid using disposable diapers.
C. Maintain a high-humidity atmosphere.
D. Continue cool oxygenation via a hood. - ANSWER-C
A client's spouse is learning passive range-of-motion for the client's contracted
shoulder. The nurse observes that the spouse is holding the client's arm above and
below the elbow. Which nursing action should the nurse implement?
A. Acknowledge that the spouse is supporting the arm correctly.
B. Encourage the spouse to keep the joint covered to maintain warmth.
C. Reinforce the need to grip directly under the joint for better support.
D. Instruct the spouse to grip directly over the joint for better motion. - ANSWER-A
A client is receiving Dextrose 5% in Water (D5W) 1,000 ml at 75 ml/hour. The nurse
hangs the bag of IV fluids at 0300. At what time, based on the 24-hour clock, should the
infusion be completed?
A. 1620.
B. 1630.
C. 0420.
D. 0430. - ANSWER-A
During a visit to the outpatient clinic, the nurse assesses a client with severe
osteoarthritis using a goniometer. Which finding should the nurse expect to measure?
A. Adequate venous blood flow to the lower extremities.
B. Estimated amount of body fat by an underarm skinfold.
C. Degree of flexion and extension of the client's knee joint.
D. Change in the circumference of the joint in centimeters. - ANSWER-C
The nurse is completing the plan of care for a client who is admitt

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